Preserving and highlighting
the heritage of companies
Our story

Our bright talents

The Perles d’Histoire team is a subtle mix of scientific, cultural and business-oriented profiles that produce the perfect chemistry. This complementarity allows us to provide support to our corporate clients, and elaborate well-designed heritage projects that are rigorous in method, creative, relevant and impactful.

At Perles d’Histoire, we consider excellence in the skills our experts and services provide to our clients a prerequisite. And more than that, interpersonal and soft skills are another important aspect of the relationships we establish with our clients.

Committed to our work, we passionately strive towards sharing companies’ histories within them, convinced a company’s heritage is its’ heart and soul. We adapt and tailor our work to suit the scale of each project.

We also work with a network of experts and trusted partners, which intervene according to the specifics of each project.

Perles d’Histoire is a member of the Association of French Archivists and the International Council of Archives.

Pauline le Clere

Pauline le Clere

President – Founder
Thinking, connecting subjects, getting inspired, inspiring, creating…A cheerful frontrunner, Pauline has not yet put her pink glasses on when she creates Perles d’Histoire in 2008 to share her belief that history is a constant source of inspiration and connection. Pauline graduated from the University Paris-Dauphine with a Master’s degree in Marketing, and from the EM Lyon business school, with a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship.

Is there any greater balance for a man, other than knowing where he comes from, and the story of his ancestors?

Hélie de Saint Marc, Une vie.
Charlotte Lacombe

Charlotte Lacombe

Director of Strategy & Cultural Engineering
To wonder, to learn, to innovate again and again… In short, philosophy is what drives Charlotte every day, especially when it comes to culture. She has always been visiting museums and art exhibitions, running to a show and devouring books, comics and gastro food, here or abroad! After a Master’s degree in Philosophy and History of Art at La Sorbonne University, she studied Management of Culture in Sciences-Po school in Paris. Her professional experience at the Louvre Museum and Havas group gave her the strong wish to act in favor to the transmission and the development of our creative heritage.

The future is a present of the past.

André Malraux
Alice Foucher

Alice Foucher

Cultural Project Manager
From historically emblematic sites of Paris that reflect its rich history, to contemporary art galleries in the Marais, Alice likes giving tours to awaken people’s curiosity. She also loves to plunge into the ambiance of 1920s cabarets in Paris, Berlin and Brussels, practising different styles, such as the Charleston and the Swing. After obtaining a Master’s in Contemporary History and a degree in History of Art at the Sorbonne University, Alice acquired a degree in Research and Museology from the École du Louvre.

He explained to me with a smile, that nothing is black or white, and that white is often hidden black, and that black is white that has been caught.

Romain Gary, The Life Before Us
Arnaud le Clere

Arnaud le Clere

General Manager - CEO
After graduating from the ESSEC business school, Arnaud answered the call of the sea and served in the French navy for a year. He then caught a plane to the aeronautical industry as a pilot for 13 years. Fascinated by Notre-Dame de Paris and avidly interested in history and Perles d’Histoire, Arnaud took the plunge in 2019 and joined the team, driven by the necessity to love and spread history.

The need for roots is maybe the most essential yet the most unknown need to the human soul.

Simone Weil, The Need for Roots, 1943 (trad. 1952)
Cécile Perchet

Cécile Perchet

Office manager
After her postgraduate studies in History of Art and Contemporary Art, Cécile lived her passion for art by managing top art galleries, and browsing through antiques and flea markets. Cécile is our Zen master!

Combining my passion for contemporary art with the everyday corporate life and be sure to hand over a cultural wealth.

Lisa Lafontaine

Lisa Lafontaine

Project Manager, Archivist
Andrea Mounecif

Andrea Mounecif

Head of History & Archives
Gabrielle Dezasars

Gabrielle Dezasars

Cultural Project Manager
Adélaïde Savy

Adélaïde Savy

Project Manager, Archivist

21st October 2018: Creating Perles d’Histoire

Convinced that our identities are shaped by the events, commitments, places and people within our family history, Pauline le Clere founds Perles d’Histoire for families to share their history amongst themselves.

Serving businesses

Transitioning from family to corporate histories, Perles d’Histoire takes a step forward by signing its first corporate client, Lagardère Ressources.

Réseau Entreprendre laureate

“To create jobs, let us create employers”. Based on this idea, Réseau Entreprendre aims to ensure the success of entrepreneurs by passing on to them the knowledge and experience of active leaders in the business world.

Situational analysis
of historical heritage

Perles d’Histoire develops and implements a new approach to assist companies in identifying and structuring their sources of heritage.

Historical and
cultural engineering

Organising the activity into two sections, Preserving and Highlighting Perles d’Histoire now stands on its two feet, and continues to grow.

The Heritage patent
of Perles d’Histoire

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Perles d’Histoire develops a new tool designed to identify and extract the gems of corporate client heritage.

11th year:
a year of innovation

With a new visual identity, a new website, and a new CEO, the strengthened team is all the same fuelled by passion!
Perles d'Histoire